Tag "xr snus"

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

The Truth about XRANGE Snus by Swedish Match

I’ve struggled with this article. I’ve been putting it off for weeks. Larry has been hounding me. Moe has been threatening me with all sorts of dire warnings. Still I’ve

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match XRANGE Snuses Released and Why?

The battle for market share in the Swedish and Norwegian snus markets has been taking a toll on snus industry leader Swedish Match. Today SMAB announced their latest salvo in

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match Fights Back with new XRANGE snus brand

XRANGE snus by Swedish Match: UNCENSORED [UPDATED 30 March 2015] Swedish Match has lifted the information embargo on XRANGE Snus so we’re finally able to publish the uncensored version of