Swedish Match Fights Back with new XRANGE snus brand

XRANGE snus by Swedish Match: UNCENSORED

[UPDATED 30 March 2015]

Swedish Match has lifted the information embargo on XRANGE Snus so we’re finally able to publish the uncensored version of the original article without getting our legs broken (hopefully).

Here it is with a new name:  Swedish Match XRANGE Snuses Released and Why?


[Edited 03:00 27 Feb 2015]

The article originally featured here has been removed at the very strong request of Swedish Match as the information it contained was not intended for public release until a date closer to the Week 16 projected launch of the XRANGE Brand.

Below is the XRANGE information authorized by Swedish Match from a press release they issued yesterday.  This will have to suffice until we approach Week 16.  I need a drink…

Mid-April will see the launch of a brand new snus series – XRANGE.

The products in this series have a long lasting taste experience and are less prone to drip, compared to other large pouches from Swedish Match.
The new range – XRANGE – from Swedish Match consists of five pouch products that all have the familiar taste experience from the Swedish Match collection of snus products.

At the same time four products will be discontinued from today’s the snus collection: Catch Pure Mint Medium Slim, General Tailored White, Göteborgs Rapé Slim White Large and General Long Original.

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