Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

When the Facts are too boring

The following is the English translation of an article Dr. Rutqvist wrote today in Aftenposten.no.  This is a link to the original article by Dr. Rutqvist. Life could have been

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Tobacco Control on Snus – Putting Science back in its Rightful Place

These are indeed interesting times for snus lovers on both sides of the Atlantic. Concerning tobacco control and snus, the tobacco regulatory authorities in Europe (EU Directorate General for Health

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Snus and Nicotine

Some help understanding Snus and Nicotine Swedish Snus produces a nicotine “kick” that habitual consumers find satisfying. The flip side of the coin, however, is that it is precisely this

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Dr. Rutqvist is Coming Soon……

Professor Lars-Erik Rutqvist, MD; PhD, Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Swedish Match and one of the world’s leading health experts on tobacco, reduced risk, and reduced harm tobacco

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus