Snus FAQs

Snus FAQs

Free Snus: Where Can I Get Free Swedish Snus?

ALL Free Samples of ALL Tobacco Products BANNED June 22nd, 2010   This is the page where consumers of legal age were able to order Free Samples of Swedish Snus.

Snus FAQs

Where can I buy Swedish Snus in the USA?

General Snus, the largest selling brand of snus in the world, is available over-the-counter in a limited number of U.S. tobacco stores. If you click on the below banner, it

Snus FAQs

Why does Snus have an Expiration Date?

Why Do Swedish and some American Snus have an Expiration Date? Swedish Snus’s are made and considered food products.  Like food products, some like milk will expire.  Some, like dried

Snus FAQs

Does Snus have to be Refrigerated?

In 2009, the question of snus refrigeration really depends on who you talk to.  Lets start with unopened cans and rolls of snus. Many manufacturers of both Swedish and American

Snus FAQs

Is it true you can freeze Swedish Snus for over a year?

Yes, like meat, unopened cans Swedish Snus can be frozen for up to a year or more and still be fresh when defrosted!  To retain moisture, place the cans in

Snus FAQs

VALUE: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Which is the Better Value for the Money? Mr. UNZ has detailed this so many times in articles, comment responses, emails and forum posts that I’m just going to give

Snus FAQs

REDUCED HARM TOBACCO: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

What is Reduced Harm Tobacco? Since in today’s litigious society, using the “safest” would be the quickest way to being on the receiving end of a lawsuit, the term “Reduced

Snus FAQs

SAFETY: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Safe to Use? For the sake of the lawyers, let it be known that no tobacco product of any kind is 100% completely and totally safe for every single individual

Snus FAQs

NICOTINE LEVELS: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

NICOTINE LEVELS: Yes, Virginia, there ARE significant differences in the levels of Nicotine in Swedish Snus and American Snus. It has to do with profit and greed on the part

Snus FAQs

VARIETY: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Variety: American Snus:: This section I’m going start with American Snus. Why? It’s quick, simply and will highlight the significant philosophical difference between American snus manufacturers/tobacco companies and Swedish snus

Snus FAQs

TASTE: Swedish Snus Versus American Snus

Taste My favorite analogy to that questions is “What is the difference between a (no offense) cheap White Owl cigar and a fine Cuban cigar?”  If all you’ve ever smoked

Snus FAQs

What is the difference between Swedish Snus and American Snus?

Essentially, SEVEN Criteria separate Swedish Snus from the existing American Snus: Quality Taste Selection Safety Documented Reduced Harm Tobacco Product Nicotine Levels Value for your money While taste is subjective, We

Snus FAQs

QUALITY: Swedish Snus versus American Snus.

Quality Swedish Snus: Since 1970, the Swedish Government has strictly regulated the manufacture of Snus as a Food Product. They have very strict criteria on ingredients, ingredients disclosures and levels

Snus FAQs

Just what is Snus anyway?

It’s interesting.  When I wrote my first FAQ on Snus over a year ago, I was able to answer this question very shortly and simply.  But today, especially in America, there are