Tag "obama smoking"

Larry Waters Reports!

Skruf Snus in 2015: Buyer Be Aware

In April 2015, Skruf AB made a radical change to the snus they sold in Sweden.  The tobacco used in the six Swedish market Skruf products was changed to 100% organic

Larry Waters Reports!

On Senator Ted Kennedy’s Passing…and Exploitation

Today we learned that Senator Ted Kennedy has died of a brain tumor.  He was first elected to the Senate in 1962 and only two Senators in the history of

Larry Waters Reports!

Dr. Lars Erik Rutqvist of Swedish Match AB: Phase III Clinical Trials on Swedish Snus began in 2008!

Swedish Match AB to pursue FDA ‘Reduced Harm Product’ Designation Andrew Romeo recently wrote a column ‘Philip Morris says Snus will not Help Smokers Quit.’  I’m not going to repeat