Tag "larserik rutqvist"

Larry Waters Reports!

The Tobacco Act: Wasted Taxpayer Dollars and the new Tobacco Black Market

The best of intentions carry unintended consequences.  In the case of The Tobacco Act of 2009 giving FDA control over tobacco products, the intentions weren’t even praise-worthy.  The Tobacco Act

Press Releases

Mick Hellwig Joins SnusCENTRAL.org as a Columnist

The Second new SnusCENTRAL.org Columnist This Week is Revealed. On September 29th at the monthly SnusCENTRAL Press Conference, it was announced among other exciting news that two new Columnists were

Press Releases

SnusCENTRAL: New Columnists; New Snus; New Sites

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist Joins SnusCENTRAL.org as Columnist, New Swedish Snus has Been Released, and the new SnusGEAR! SnusCENTRAL.org; the planet’s premier snus informational and social website, updated blind-folded news media

Larry Waters Reports!

Dr. Lars Erik Rutqvist of Swedish Match AB: Phase III Clinical Trials on Swedish Snus began in 2008!

Swedish Match AB to pursue FDA ‘Reduced Harm Product’ Designation Andrew Romeo recently wrote a column ‘Philip Morris says Snus will not Help Smokers Quit.’  I’m not going to repeat

Larry Waters Reports!

Kennedy/Waxman Tobacco Sell-Out – Opposed by R.J. Reynolds, SnusCENTRAL.org and Larry Waters?!

Kennedy/Waxman, S. 982, HR 1256; all very innocuous names for one of the most destructive bills to American Health Care which ever slithered through Congress.  Lets call this legislation by