Tag "xobeloot"

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot takes on Big Danish Snus!

V2 Tobacco: The Interview In the tradition of Hunter S. Thompson, I suddenly realized I was interviewing Marc and Patrick Vogel; founders of Denmark’s largest snus manufacturers, V2 Tobacco. Why

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Snus, Snuff, Stuff, and Me

Welcome to Snus, Snuff and Stuff. First of all, a Thank You to Larry who, after some severe negotiations, has granted me a section of SnusCENTRAL to share my thoughts

Press Releases

Kevin Toole a.k.a Xobeloot Joins SnusCENTRAL.org

Xobeloot’s Toolebox; Memoirs of Kevin Toole joins the growing list of columns on SnusCENTRAL.org Plano, Texas, July 12th, 2009 – SnusCENTRAL.org, the leading informational Snus, Swedish Snus, and Reduced Harm

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot: Haunted by an Apparition.

…The origin of Xobeloot… I remember it vividly…  I was about 14 years old, it was 2 AM, and I just couldn’t sleep.  I walked to my 2nd-story bedroom window

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

A “Dear Snus” Letter by Xobeloot

Xobeloot and his letter; Dear Snus:  Kevin Toole confesses his infidelity.



In 2007, a Blogger writing under the pen name of Mr. Unloadingzone discovered Camel SNUS. He had long been searching for a way to reduce the risks of his 30+