Tag "tsna"

Larry Waters Reports!

Sweden Enacts New Health Limits on Swedish Snus

New Tougher Food Product Regulations for Undesirable Substances in Swedish Snus The Swedish National Food Agency (think FDA in the US) is the authority that issues regulations for snus/chewing tobacco

Larry Waters Reports!

Shocking: Medical News Today Says Snus Causes Cancer

Snus causes cancer?  Here we go again.  Yvette Brazier writing for anti-tobacco Medical News Today published yet another biased article with cherry-picked data, gaping information holes, and fuzzy logic attempting

Larry Waters Reports!

Follow-Up: Lazy, Embarrassing Article by StarTribune.com

After I published my article, How can the American Public be Educated about Snus when the American Press is so Lazy?  on that embarrassment to Journalism by StarTribune.com on snus, Danger follows a camel on