Tag "stop smoking"

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Dr. Rutqvist is Coming Soon……

Professor Lars-Erik Rutqvist, MD; PhD, Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Swedish Match and one of the world’s leading health experts on tobacco, reduced risk, and reduced harm tobacco

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

Philip Morris Says Snus will not Help Smokers Quit

Here is a great example of how Big Tobacco loves the Press.  Though this one was a bit obvious, keen observers should begin watching for more articles like this.  It’s

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

A “Dear Snus” Letter by Xobeloot

Xobeloot and his letter; Dear Snus:  Kevin Toole confesses his infidelity.

Larry Waters Reports!

EXCLUSIVE: Triumph Snus Manufacturer reveals Triumph Snus is LOW NICOTINE: Lorillard Senior Official Refuses to Comment!

EXCLUSIVE Breaking SNUS News!  It appears that the second of the Top Three US Tobacco Companies has been caught intentionally cutting nicotine levels in their snus products to keep their

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel and Marlboro: When it comes to Snus, you LOSE!

Now let’s talk about Snus: What the heck IS Snus, WHERE do you get it, WHY would you want it, and most importantly (to me), why am I so excited