Tag "snuscentralcom"

Larry Waters Reports!

Has The Northerner bit off more than it can snus?

The price of Swedish snus at the major eStores has always varied to one degree or another but never to the extent seen today.  Factors such as the PACT Act,

Smoking in the Ladies Room

Women: Still Second-Class Citizens when it comes to Tobacco?

Planes, trains and rental cars, oh my.  I have been a smoker for a good 25 years at least.   In recent years, I’ve discovered Swedish snus.   Snus helps

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot: Haunted by an Apparition.

…The origin of Xobeloot… I remember it vividly…  I was about 14 years old, it was 2 AM, and I just couldn’t sleep.  I walked to my 2nd-story bedroom window

Larry Waters Reports!

BAT and the Lucky Strike Snus Mystery…SOLVED!

It began innocently enough.  Our Snus Shop at SnusCENTRAL.com was running very low on  Lucky Strike Snus.  No big deal, the shipment must be delayed. A report came over the

Snus FAQs

VARIETY: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Variety: American Snus:: This section I’m going start with American Snus. Why? It’s quick, simply and will highlight the significant philosophical difference between American snus manufacturers/tobacco companies and Swedish snus

Snus FAQs

TASTE: Swedish Snus Versus American Snus

Taste My favorite analogy to that questions is “What is the difference between a (no offense) cheap White Owl cigar and a fine Cuban cigar?”  If all you’ve ever smoked

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Snus News & Snus Reviews of Jakobsson’s Ice Fruit, Philip Morris 1847, Nick & Johnny East

This month, I decided to mix things up a little bit. General White Portion has been my snus of choice for quite some time along with Göteborgs Rape’. Lately, though,