Tag "snus prices"

Press Releases

Snus News, Reviews, and Snus Sales for Week 19

 A limited time 50% Off snus celebration and 3 new video snus reviews are the main topics of this week’s SnusCENTRAL Newsletter.   SnusCentral.com Send to a friend Unsubscribe 50%

Larry Waters Reports!

Strong Dollar means Low Swedish snus prices for Americans

Both the US dollar and the Swedish Krona are up against the Euro.  Today one dollar would buy 1.05 Euro, a huge drop from 1.40 about a year ago.  What

Larry Waters Reports!

Has The Northerner bit off more than it can snus?

The price of Swedish snus at the major eStores has always varied to one degree or another but never to the extent seen today.  Factors such as the PACT Act,

Snus FAQs

What is the difference between Swedish Snus and American Snus?

Essentially, SEVEN Criteria separate Swedish Snus from the existing American Snus: Quality Taste Selection Safety Documented Reduced Harm Tobacco Product Nicotine Levels Value for your money While taste is subjective, We