Tag "snus discount codes"

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Camel SNUS versus Swedish Snus. A comparison review of completely different snus tastes!

Greetings fellow snus lovers! This week, I thought I would do something a little different in the way of snus reviews. Instead of just reviewing one kind of Swedish snus,

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Offroad Icemint Lös Snus by V2 Tobacco. A suprising snus review!

Welcome back fellow Snus Lovers! I picked Offroad Icemint lössnus as this week’s snus review for a lot of reasons but mainly because of all the questions I’ve received about

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Claq Qui portion snus by Röda Lacket – Keep those Strong snus reviews coming!

Welcome back fellow snus lovers! Before I go into the review of Claq Qui, I think it may be best to do a little explaining about the recent reviews on

Snus FAQs

Why does Snus have an Expiration Date?

Why Do Swedish and some American Snus have an Expiration Date? Swedish Snus’s are made and considered food products.  Like food products, some like milk will expire.  Some, like dried

Snus FAQs

TASTE: Swedish Snus Versus American Snus

Taste My favorite analogy to that questions is “What is the difference between a (no offense) cheap White Owl cigar and a fine Cuban cigar?”  If all you’ve ever smoked

Larry Waters Reports!

Wake Up American Smokers: You Soon May Have No Place to Live!

If the below article had appeared in a California newspaper, it wouldn’t have surprised me or even really held my interest. Google “crazy, insane, fascist, wacky laws and ordinances” and