Tag "RJRT"


New Camel SNUS Robust and Winterchill

  DEVELOPING:  An official at Reynolds American today confirmed that the new Camel SNUS Robust and Camel SNUS Winterchill are in the national distribution pipeline.  All Camel SNUS retailers should

Larry Waters Reports!

NEW SNUS! It’s Christmas time for Snus Lovers!

UPDATED: October 19th 2009! This is the time of year REAL Snus lovers wait all year for.  Week 42 of each year is the customary time for Swedish and Scandinavian


CAMEL White Portion Snus NOT De-listed!!!

CAMEL White Portion by JTI NOT Discontinued! Rumors have been circulating in the Snus Community that JTI Sweden, makers of Swedish CAMEL Original Portion Snus and CAMEL White Portion Snus

Larry Waters Reports!

Kennedy/Waxman Tobacco Sell-Out – Opposed by R.J. Reynolds, SnusCENTRAL.org and Larry Waters?!

Kennedy/Waxman, S. 982, HR 1256; all very innocuous names for one of the most destructive bills to American Health Care which ever slithered through Congress.  Lets call this legislation by

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS: An Open Letter to Reynolds America and RJRT

NOTE: For those readers unaware, R.J Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJRT) , which markets Camel SNUS is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. So first, let me congratulate

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS and Marlboro snus: US Cigarette Smokers lack of knowledge about REAL Snus being Exploited by Big Tobacco for BIG Profits: PART 1 of 3

This series is designed to show how Big American Tobacco is intentionally taking advantage of cigarette and other tobacco users’ lack of knowledge with their new “snus” products to market