Tag "rjr"

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

An Open Letter to the American Tobacco Companies

Dear Tobacco Sirs and/or Madam(s), If you are considering making a product called “snus”… Don’t! Please do not follow the path of RJ Reynolds, Phillip Morris USA and the rest.


A New American Snus Brand?

During their daily operations briefing, the SnusCIA Confirmed a new brand of American snus is being test-marketed.  No other information is being released at this time.  An article by Larry

The World According to Feck

Forget Camel SNUS: The REAL History of Snus in America

QUESTION: what do Red Seal American Snuff and Röda Lacket Swedish Snus have in common?  ANSWER: At one time, they were one and the same! To kick off my new column, I

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

Is Big Tobacco Selling Harm Reduction?

No and Yes. One thing must remain clear.  Big Tobacco wants its legal consumers to smoke as many cigarettes as possible.  The bulk of their marketing, where it is allowed