Tag "Reynolds America"


CAMEL White Portion Snus NOT De-listed!!!

CAMEL White Portion by JTI NOT Discontinued! Rumors have been circulating in the Snus Community that JTI Sweden, makers of Swedish CAMEL Original Portion Snus and CAMEL White Portion Snus

Larry Waters Reports!

Kennedy/Waxman Tobacco Sell-Out – Opposed by R.J. Reynolds, SnusCENTRAL.org and Larry Waters?!

Kennedy/Waxman, S. 982, HR 1256; all very innocuous names for one of the most destructive bills to American Health Care which ever slithered through Congress.  Lets call this legislation by

Larry Waters Reports!

When is Camel Snus NOT Camel SNUS?

When is CAMEL Snus NOT Camel SNUS? When Camel Snus is made in Sweden by Japan Tobacco International (JTI); not by R.J. Reynolds in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There are disadvantages