Tag "quit cigarettes"

Larry Waters Reports!


A notice on the Federal Register that indicates the Swedish Match General Snus Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application (MRTPA) will be published tomorrow. Since accepting the General Snus application in

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA moves General Snus MRTP Application forward!

A notice on the Federal Register that indicates the Swedish Match General Snus Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application (MRTPA) will be published tomorrow. Since accepting the General Snus application in

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Dr. Rutqvist is Coming Soon……

Professor Lars-Erik Rutqvist, MD; PhD, Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Swedish Match and one of the world’s leading health experts on tobacco, reduced risk, and reduced harm tobacco

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Discreet Snus: An American Snus Review

While perusing the latest FS&S catalog I saw a blurb for Discreet snus. I wasn’t looking for snus; I was shopping for whole tobacco leaves (which are another topic). Discreet

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

A “Dear Snus” Letter by Xobeloot

Xobeloot and his letter; Dear Snus:  Kevin Toole confesses his infidelity.