Tag "La Morenita Zacapa Rum Snus"

Larry Waters Reports!

More alcoholic beverage flavored Swedish Snus on the way

Snus flavored with spirits is a tradition going back hundreds of years to the beginnings of snus itself.  Farmers in Sweden who made the first snuses for their own use

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Happy New Snus Year!

By the time this post is published, I, Moe Unz will be quite full of food, drink and snus.  Especially drink. That is why I wrote this 2 days ago

Larry Waters Reports!

Islay Whisky Snus Seminar

Exclusive Islay Whisky Snus News, Conny Andersson, and more This fascinating video covers everything you could and should know about the amazing Islay Whisky Snus by Conny Andersson. It covers