Tag "Gajane"

Larry Waters Reports!

When is Odens Snus NOT Odens Snus?

Gajane AB, the company who created and owns the Odens Snus brand name, made the decision in 2010 to switch production of new products from the current manufacturer to GN

Larry Waters Reports!

Olde Viking Snus – Can you Handle the Truth?

The story of Olde Viking Snus, Gajane, and GN Tobacco is an interesting one. My biggest challenge has not been as much getting information as finding someone at Gajane to

Larry Waters Reports!

Gajane buys shuttered SnusAB Factory for Olde Viking Snus

Gajane Blows the Dust off Olde SnusAB Factory for Olde Viking Snus Just when we thought we had heard the last of bankrupt third-tier SnusAB, former makers of the American

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Oden’s Cinnamon (Kanel) Extra Strong portion snus. Review of Big Nic in the Extra Strong snus race!

While I was sitting in my cozy room here at SnusCENTRAL last week, pondering which snus I would review next, a mysterious, brown padded envelope was slipped under my door!