Tag "fellinni snus"

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Offroad Limited Edition 2009 Review and Wandering thoughts

  I have tried hard to limit my ADD in these articles, but I just can’t hold back anymore. I have a bunch of thoughts going on all at once

Larry Waters Reports!

EXCLUSIVE: Snus Review – Phantom White Portion Snus and more V2 Tobacco Snus News

For the last two days, I’ve been using a snus I’m pretty confident most of you aren’t:  Phantom Classic White Portion Snus by V2 Tobacco.  The reason for my confidence? 

Larry Waters Reports!

Report from Tobacco Plus Expo 2009!

As a police escort led my armoured limousine down Canal Street towards the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, you could still see the signs of Hurricane Katrina.  Scattered condemned buildings;